Better conversations, stronger outcomes

We believe in defending the lost art of human-centred conversation to deliver better recruitment results.

bastion [bas-tee-on]


something that keeps or defends a belief or way of life that is disappearing or threatened

We’re not your average HR recruitment company.

Bastion Group strives to develop authentic connections with job seekers and businesses. We do this by having better conversations, asking the right questions, building rapport and showing greater care and understanding. It drives stronger outcomes for everyone. Pure and simple – we connect you with the right people and help your career or business grow, in the way you want it to grow.


Better Conversations blog

Building a positive workplace culture

Positive workplace culture can be associated with higher productivity and reduced turnover; a real win-win. This takes time and resources but can have an enormous payoff.

How to ace your next job interview

The job interview is your best chance to show you’re right for a job – and probably the most important step in your job search journey.

Defending the lost art of human-centric conversation

We value meaningful, human-centric conversations. It’s what drives better results. But what do we mean by human-centric conversation and why’s it so important in today’s workplaces?